What you say...

Life is a great big canvas and you should throw
all the paint on it you can.

-Danny Kaye

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Wood Chips. Wood Chips. Wood Chips.

Working in the yard, believe it or not, brings me peace. We have a large yard and it is more beautiful every year with all our hard work put in it. Especially in Spring when everything is green, fresh and budding. We get many compliments how beautiful our yard is and that brings us joy that others see all that dedication to it.

However, my body does not always agree with my peace with yard work. It became evident yesterday pulling weeds, trimming overgrown plants, pulling weeds, moving and raking wood chips, pulling more weeds, moving more wood chips, pulling weeds, pulling weeds, pulling weeds. Today my body hates me. I am so sore and tired that there will be NO yard work. I will probably do something just to get a little taste of that peace but the majority of this day will be laying low to re-coop.

It feels like a paint nails and Nook day on the patio to enjoy all the hard work.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Holy Mary Moses... has it been 3 years? What happened? Where did it go? 

It's time to resurrect something that was current but fell to the wayside quickly and once again peek into life's craziness here at the Leto's. There is no explanation for my disconnect other than the normal fodder. In the perspective of things, it really isn't a big deal however I missed posting random thoughts, activities and general nonsense. Three years later, things have changed, kids have grown, loved ones lost, abnormal is still normal, wrinkles more pronounced and I am unfortunately still addicted to Jelly beans. Life is precious and daily reminders become more evident as we grow older. They even sometimes smack us in the face or plainly just beat us down but my family is a constant foundation and I love that. I believe now is the time to carry on so hang on...

Monday, March 30, 2009


How ridiculous it's been that I have been so busy with going back to work and everything in between that I've just left this blog at the wayside. Well no more!

Here's what's happened in the last 3 months.

Sick, sick and sick some more. We we're all sick, Jacob's 6th birthday party, throw in my 40th birthday, plus a 40th birthday car accident, 10 or more ear infections, snowstorms, sun, rain, 60 degree day, 20 degree days, a few more bad colds and sinuitis, a five day run of a stomach virus for each kid and lastly, working like dogs here at home and at the office. Yep, that pretty much sums up the last 3 months. I wish I could say I was on an a beautiful exotic island with a Mai Tai in my hand and a good book in the other all this time. But sadly, no.

I did get 30% off coupon from Kohl's the other day which made the last 3 months wash away!
Here are a few picks of the last couple months. One of my demolished van ($6200 damage) which I get back on the 7th of April. yippee!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008

We have officially decided to post our letter this year on our blog. It is the way of the world it seems and we like to be on the cutting edge. Okay, so we’ve had to make some cut backs and advertising is always the first to go so those of you who are expecting to see the latest and greatest models for this past year on paper – too bad. It has been a very quick 2008 and more changes have been made to the employees and the general corporation. Taking our concessions to the people is the trend for this year.

Our employees are potentially on the brink of new achievements and NOT bankruptcy – they don’t have any money anyways. Vice President of Management, Jake, will be six on Jan. 5th and has been enjoying his term in kindergarten. He is excelling in all things pre-first grade and still thinks he’s going to be a huge rock star. He’s practiced, defined and nailed the “rock star pose with guitar” so he should do well if anyone is need of an air guitar player. He played baseball this past summer and really enjoyed inspecting the dirt, grass and all passing airplanes before the ball so maybe music will be a better fit. He still has close ties with Spongebob Squarepants, John Deere and Ryan Braun. He has found his groove being a big brother and catching the co-workers not following suit – well, Jake is the first to notify the higher ups. The VP’s of HR and Operations never knew what hit them – yet.

Nick officially become 2 on December 15th and quickly moved up to the VP of HR. A huge achievement for someone so young and in a short time but it really doesn’t mean Human Resources – more like Hungry and Ready! That boy can eat and we still can’t keep his pants up! Nick has positively secured an obsession of wearing his John Deere baseball hat 24/7. We’ve taught him to take it off when eating and sleeping otherwise it’s on his head all the time. Anything John Deere or truck related will score you major points. He also loves to read, laugh and dance but mostly loves to push the lawnmower around the office. It's an obsession but great practice for relieving the COO of having to do it down the road. For now, batteries instead of gas - it's cheaper!

Our Vice President of Operations is well suited being last and the only girl. Abby, also officially two on December 15th, has informed everyone that it’s her way or the highway. She is good at her job and raises the bar when it comes to excelling in dominance and independence. If you have it and she wants its – look out. Abby also loves to dance, sing and read. Puzzles seem to be the trend of the moment and cookies as well. She is a wonderful hugger and kisser so be prepared for a warm, sloppy greeting.

Our COO John is still busy full-time with Quick Cable and other household projects. He built a beautiful shed this summer and also re-cooped from a shed-related injury but has continued to maintain other small projects around the Leto household. Most of his time is consumed with making sure his employees are clean, fed, injury-free and happy as well as making the company run smoothly with his “tight ship” mentality. OSHA would be so proud. He loves to support the Brewers and goes into withdrawal when the season is done. The Packers just haven’t been the same without the legend #4. Go Jets!

Jennifer has decided to step down as COO to take on an outside position as SSS-SS (Sales Support Specialist-SignScape) full-time. Although she remains a top executive for 2nd shift and weekends, her time is now spent at Inpro Corporation from 8:30 - 5. Getting to work, on time, is the first challenge. As well as making sure the Leto (three-foot and under) employees are bathed, dressed, fed and happy as well. She still continues with her "desperate measures" escape plan by keeping in shape teaching Stability Ball and Pilate's two nights a week. Lately she has gotten back into reading and staying up past 8:00. Don’t laugh, it’s important to have goals.

We continue to really enjoy life here in Wisconsin and hope that the winter isn’t a record breaker or back breaker for that matter. Check in frequently at our blog to see what positions have been created, moved and open for those of you wanting to be apart of the Leto force that it is. We can always use babysitters!

May you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
God Bless – John, Jennifer, Jake, Nick and Abby

Friday, December 5, 2008


WOW, we got hit hard by the flu this past weekend. It's the first time the whole family went down at once and it moved quickly. Odd though, Nicky got it first on Sat. and it took 36 hours for it to make it to the rest of us. We wanted to go see the holiday lights and had everyone in the van and nothing out of the normal with Nicky whining about something. 15 minutes into it, Jake yelled from the back seat "Nick's puking!" Great! What parent is ever prepared for that one? It was nasty but thankfully we had old towels under the car seats and wipes. We did a u-banger (yes, legally) and headed home. Jake had to ride in the front seat and thought that was the coolest thing ever. Don't get used to it kid for at least 6 more years! We did see some holiday decorations that houses had up already on the way home.

Jake went to school, Dad went to work & I watched the twins and Logan (my girlfriend's 3 year old) when the call came in from school around 1:30 p.m. - "Jake's been in the health room twice complaining of a stomach ache, can you come and pick him up?" As it would be - no. They we're suppose to be released early around 1:45 from school, I had Logan and the twins we're napping I told them to try and put him on the bus if he hasn't gotten sick. By the time I got everyone up, dressed and in the car, Jake would be home of the bus anyways.

5 minutes later the school nurse calls back - "Jake's puked twice but your neighbor Sue can bring him home for you - is that okay?" I said "YES, she is helping me out huge!" Just as Jake gets home, into the garage comes John - home from work sick. That's 2 now. I had that queasiness all day so I expected I was next. My girlfriend's husband came and got their boys at 3, I continued to nurse the sick, care for the twins and do laundry. Thanks to Delee for saving me by lending me detergent and Gatorade! Abby started to go downhill after dinner and by 6 she was falling asleep in the tub and in her bed by 6:30. Then, it was just me and Nick (who by the way was just fine by this time) and around 8 I melted into bed. I fought that gross, crampy feeling all night and the next day we all stayed home, slept most of the day and hung out on the couches while sipping white soda, Gatorade and trying to eat crackers. That was the worst 4 days in a LONG TIME. Strange that Abby & I never got throw up sick - only the boys. I was the only one too who didn't have a flu shot yet. GIRLS RULE!

We are up and at em' now and I hope you all don't get it - it was really bad and sorry to share TMI, but it was a whirlwind! Wash your hands and get the antibacterial stuff out - keep yourself healthy this year!

Monday, December 1, 2008

We love hats!

My hat-loving kids... Nicky sleeps with his on. Funny since I couldn't get a hat on him 3 weeks ago without screaming. Whatever - now he wears one. :)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dance to the music...

I can only say one thing, my kids love music and when we want to burn some energy, this works wonders! Enjoy. Try not to look to closely at my two-tone living room - it is waiting for some paint after ripping the wall paper down - there is always a project to be done and never enough time when you're playing.

Also, Abby goes kind of ballistic towards the middle when she can't touch, climb, chew, throw, climb, tinker (did I mention climb?) with things she's not suppose too.

Sorry for the screaming but that's my life. :)